Saturday, May 2, 2009

Baima: Wandering, Wanderer

   Wandering, Wanderer
         by Baima (1972-) tr. Fan Jinghua
Now I have reached her age,
She already presents the look of a married woman.
Pocket money, mini-skirts, and sex,
She lacks none. Also, she curl up on the windowsill,
Taking her noon nap. At her age,
I am still roving around, with a key in the pocket, no past
To fall on, no future to turn to.
I, and I, and I, if put on rouge, I would be
Just another version of her.

      白玛 (1972-)

About the Poet 诗人简介
 Baima, or Baima Cuomu in full, born in Shandong in 1972, began publishing poems as early as at the age of 16. She had been in the army in Beijing, and lived in Jiangsu, Beijing and Lhasa. She now lives in Linyi, Shandong. She authors a poetry book The Messenger on the Way, and co-authors a poetry book We Seven. Baima is a fiercely confident poet.


    She Who Roves Around and She Who Stays Put
 There are people who are of water nature, and people of rock nature. The one who is water, runs to find a pool as a home, a destination on this world. The one who is rock, taking pride in its rolling, satisfies with the sound of being on the way. It rolls to enjoy its rolling, which no destination can provide. There is, however, some similarity between rock and water. They make sounds on their way to a lower place. Lower, because of being closer to the earth, or at least it seems to be. If you need a difference to balance, it lies in the way the sounds are made. Water makes sounds because it is blocked and it is agitated. Rock makes sounds because it bumps into another. Do I have to be long-winded? They are heavy, both of them, and this makes them two sides of the same coin.


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