Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fan Jinghua: An Accidental Leave-Watcher

   An Accidental Leave-Watcher
It is a dark road, in the drizzle, like an oil-shining boa,
Mysterious, profound and tranquil, witnessing leave-watchers
Of various colors and somewhat accordant sentiment,
But the road harbors no pride in its witnessing even miracles
Like a love-at-the-first-sight affair
Between an oriental man and a Celtic woman
In this small mid-West town.

Those extravagant caps and hats over stately jackets,
Some rain-proof,
Display their understated readiness
For ordinary spectacle of autumn.
This is All Souls’ Day. Invisible apertures take in so many souls,
But these visitors have all planned their return journey
Before their coming.

Unexpected encounters are proofs of hidden expectations,
And whoever comes
Comes to meet the destined moment.
The town does not have to exist, as long as
The roles capture the people and the scenario becomes.
It is the tears from separating lovers that turn the leaves red,
As an ancient Chinese romantic drama renders.

Ever since, no road does not eat its own tail.

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