Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fan Jinghua: Moonstruck

  Have not seen such a bewitching moon for quite a long time. She hangs over the western sky against the woolen white as if it were a topaz ball over a reddish lagoon of clouds. The red comes from the lights of the industrial district.
  Moon-watching is supposed to be a Chinese cultural trope, but when it comes to be expected at certain occasions, it falls into a kind of apathetic convention. When the full moon is ethically interpreted as a symbol of (family) reunion, it can no longer hold (sexual) passion. Think of the 1987 comedy Moonstruck, and I might even claim that we Chinese are not prone to romantic provocation and we have lost the capacity of being lunatic. This loss may even be viewed as both a symptom of and a reason for our loss of appetite for poetry.
  But of course, some kind of romantic gesture can be expected, even between long-wedded couple, when the man might spurt out in her ear that he'd like to rip her off to make love. Chinese full moon is full of cultural cliché that censors the erotic, and moon-watching may even be considered as a kind of cultural habitus among poets. Li Po provides a super example, but we should not forget that he was profoundly influenced by Taoism, to the extent that the moon might be a figure of The Great Mother to him.
                          June 1, 2007 
   月 色撩人

  真正的赏月似乎已经不流行了,更不会有人专程跑出去赏月。而带上酒菜,邀三两友朋,月下闲话,那更是古人的行为。如今,或许还有敢于面对孤独的人,或者人在旅途,抛开电视或者网络,走进月光,抬头或者低首,想着远方或者自己。然而这样的时候,恐怕没有几个会有李白那样的潇洒与豪气:举杯邀月,对酒三人。曾经对一个洋人说过,李白的月亮实际上是一个女性,犹如西方概念中的The Great Mother原型母亲,李白是一个很受道家影响的浪漫诗人。

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